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  Book reviews

Leonov, G. A., Reitmann, V., Smirnova, Vera B.;

Non-local methods for pendulum-like feedback systems (English)

Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik. Stuttgart: Teubner. vii, 242 p. (1992).

  This book is dedicated to the investigation of global behaviour of dissipative pendulum-like equation. Chapter 1 presents basic definitions and concepts for understanding global aspects of ODE with multiple equilibria: the direct method of Lyapunov, the attractor concept, the theory of feedback control equations and frequency-domain methods in absolute stability theory.\par Chapter 2 introduces the global bifurcation theory of two-dimensional systems with a periodic nonlinearity and the general concept of higher- dimensional pendulum-like systems. In Chapter 3 (and the following ones) there are demonstrate several new methods which extend the Lyapunov direct method to systems with multiple equilibria.\par Chapter 4 shows that questions concerning the global convergence of solutions of pendulum like systems can be well formulated in terms of factor manifolds. Connections with differential geometry approach to nonlinear systems are given.\par Chapter 5 presents ``the method of non-local reduction'' --- a method for stability investigation of higher-dimensional systems of differential equations which employs the stability results of differential equations in the plane, playing the role of reduced equations.\par In Chapter 6, in order to get necessary conditions for global convergence type, theorems which ensure the existence of circular solutions and of cycles of various type are provided.\par In Chapter 7 some classes of pendulum-like systems describing the dynamics of synchronous machines are considered. Chapter 8 extends some results of previous chapters concerning boundedness, convergence and quasiconvergence to a class of integro-differential equations with retarded argument which arrives from phase synchronization problems.\par Chapter 9 is devoted to the cycle slipping in phase-controlled systems and in the 10-th Chapter the authors show that many results of the previous chapters also get through for discrete systems.

S.Anita (Iasi)

Keywords: dissipative pendulum-like equation; global bifurcation theory; global convergence; factor manifolds; method of non-local reduction; phase-controlled systems
93-02 Research monographs (systems and control)
93C15 Control systems governed by ODE
93D15 Stabilization of systems by feedback
70K10 Limit cycles (general mechanics)

93B29 Differential-geometric methods in systems theory
aus:    MATH Database, Zentralblatt für Mathematik / Mathematics Abstracts:
           Copyright (c) 1997 European Mathematical Society, FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag.

   The comparison principle has proven to be a useful tool in the qualitative analysis of high-dimensional systems. A comparison technique, called the nonlocal reduction principle, is presented in this book. The work is based on two ideas: Lyapunov functions, which generate in the phase space a family of surfaces transversal to the vector field, and comparison systems, which have the same qualitative properties as the original systems but have lower dimension than the former systems. Initially, the nonlocal reduction method was developed for stability investigations of systems with angular coordinates. Subsequently, it has been applied to general automatic control systems. Differential equations are interpreted, in general, as feedback systems in this book. Sufficient conditions for global stability, existence of limit cycles, boundedness of solutions, etc., are formulated in terms of transfer functions and have the form of frequency-domain inequalities. Systems described by integro-differential equations and discrete-time systems are also included. The distinguishing feature of the book is the combining of Lyapunov's second method with frequency domain techniques in a natural way.

Anthony N. Michel (1-NDM-E; Notre Dame, IN)

aus:    MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS; Clippings from Issue 94d.

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